Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Structuring of time and it's impact on narrative progression

What is it?
The structuring of time is vital to narrative progression as majority of films take place over a couple of days, weeks or years. To create this impression withing a 2 hour film, the scriptwriter must order the narrative effectively.
The structuring of narrative time is made of a combination of 3 elements:
-Temporal Order: how the film is screened and manipulated to advance the narrative. (eg. flashbacks or traditional plot order)
-Temporal Duration: foreshortening of time of the storyline to fit the length of the narrative. It is important to note technical effects and how it insinuates a specific time frame. (eg: montage)
-Temporal Frequency: the number of times an event or part of event is shown to an audience. It usually consists of the repetition of action from the same or different camera angles to emphasize the importance of the scene withing narrative and creates rhythm in text.

Structuring of time and it's impact on narrative progression in Blade Runner
-Temporal Order in Blade Runner has been tradiontonally filmed as there areno flashforwards or flashbacks (linear narrative structure- plot unfolds in the order in which the characters experience it)
-Temporal Duration has been shown throught the foreshortening of scenes. Scott doesn't need to show whole part of scene.
Example: when Deckard arrives at Roy's place, we do not need to seem walk through the front door to know he has entered the house as he is walking up the stairs in the next scene
In most location changes, we see a short 5 second scene of Decakard in the Spinner, to insinuate that he is travelling to another location, rather than showing the comlpete journey.
-Temporal Frequency of wide shots of LA 2019 establish the setting to remind the viewer of Scott's futuristic representation.
-When Pris and Roy attack Deckard at separate times of the film, a low angle shot is used to emphasise the strength/ hostilitity and threat they pose on Deckard, as he is seen as helpless and inferior by their powerfully demeaning stance.

Structuring of time and it's impact on narrative progression in Notorious
-The Temporal Order: Story line is linear (establishment of characters, plot, solution)
-Alicia is introduced as the daughter of a convicted Nazi spy, causing her involvement in a mission (plot) and interaction with Devlin (2nd plot)
- Alicia finds out where the uranium is being received from (mission solution) and Devlin rescues her from being poisoned, whilst declaring his love (relationship solution)
-Temporal Duration: When Alicia and Alex go on their honeymoon (which we presume to have taken a while), we do not see them leave, but only their return to the house which insinuates they had been away.
-Alicia does not report back to Devlin for a week before he gets worried, but we only see one scene where he is waiting for her at the town square. By the assistance of Devlin's dialogue to his boss revealing she hadn't reported back for a week, and continuous scenes of Alicia drinking cups of coffee, the time duration of a week is represented within 20  minutes of the film.
-Temporal Frequency: constant close-up shots with shallow depth-of field framing Devlin and Alicia together to symbolize their intimacy/ forbidden love.
The audience can gain insight towards the extent of the relationship they share and the implications it could create, which contributes to the development of the plot lines of the narrative.

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